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オーブリー・ローガン。彼女はトロンボーン奏者であり、歌手であり、ソングライターであり、パフォーマーでもある。 ひとつを選べば簡単なのかもしれない。しかし、彼女はひとつの型にはまろうとしない。彼女は既成概念にとらわれず活動しており、彼女を定義することは難しい。そして、定義できないということが、むしろ彼女にとっては意図であろう。 2017年の彼女のトップ5のデビューアルバムは、彼女を国内有数の若手の歌手および演奏家のひとりへと導いた。 2018年のデイヴ・コーズの1枚目のサマー・ホーンズのアルバムに参加したことで、彼女の地位は確かなものになった。しかし、オーブリー・ローガンがその名前を持って世界中の音楽愛好家の注目となったのは2019年の彼女の1枚目のアルバムでした。アルバムWhere the Sunshine is Expensiceは、彼女の作曲における深い才能を示すものであった。 彼女には世界クラスの歌手および演奏家として知られているだけでなく多くの側面があり、彼女がメインを務めるショーやフェスティバルはソールドアウトが続いている。
She’s a singer. She’s a trombone player. She’s a songwriter. She’s a performer. It would have been a lot easier if Aubrey Logan would have just picked one. But she’s never been one to be pigeon-holed. She lives her life outside the box and that makes her difficult to define. But that’s OK with her because she purposely defies definition. Her Top 5 debut album in 2017 helped establish her as one of the premier young singer instrumentalists in the country. Her participation in Dave Koz’ Summer Horns #1 album in 2018 helped cement her position. But it was her #1 album in 2019 that really helped Aubrey Logan become a household word with music aficionados around the world. Because it was that album, Where the Sunshine is Expensive, that showed the depth of songwriting that she’s capable of. Her title track, LA revealed to the world just how difficult it is to be an artist living in the biggest music town on the planet. She opened up her soul in the song, Understand, and told us how much she wants to be understood. She gave us songs that told us how much travel takes it’s toll and songs that tell us what’s really important in a relationship. She even takes us back a few decades with some retro songs that ask us to remember what it was the first captured our imagination on the radio. But mostly, Ms. Logan has finally given us a glimpse into the complexity of the mind of the artist. She’s still known as a world-class singer-instrumentalist. But she’s revealed that there’s so much more. Aubrey continues to headline sold-out shows and festivals. She continues to wow the crowds at symphony dates all over the world and she touches us in those rare intimate club shows. And with her latest album, we now discover that “The Queen of Sass” has depths to which we would never have imagined.