English bio follows after Japanese.
ロイヤル・コンセルトヘボウ管弦楽団、RCOブラス、インターナショナルトロンボーンアンサンブル、ニュートロンボーンコレクティブ(2010年まで)、他多くの室内楽団のメンバーとして世界各地で公演している。またthe Orchestra of the Americas(アメリカ大陸管弦楽団:シンフォニーオーケストラアカデミー)のローブラスセクションの指導にあたっている。
指導者及びソリストとして国際トロンボーンフェスティバル(ITF)、韓国トロンボーンシンポジウム、Festival do Campos Jordao Brazil、コスタリカトロンボーンフェスティバル、タイトロンボーンフェスティバル、済州ウインドアンサンブルフェスティバル、Sesc International Music Festival Pelotas Brazil、IPVフェスティバル、Lätzsch Trombone Festival、Curso Trombon de Valga in Spain 等に参加、米国、欧州、オーストラリア、アジアの主要な大学のマスタークラスで指導をしている。スイスのルツェルン芸術大学のテナー/バストロンボーンプロフェッサー。
Instagram: schippers.martin
Martin Schippers
Martin began studying the tenor tuba with his grandfather at the age of seven. He switched to trombone at fifteen, taking lessons from his uncle, Hans Schippers. Two years later he began studying at the Rotterdam Conservatoire; during his second year he was appointed second trombonist with the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra.
He assumed the post of principal trombonist with the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic in 2005. Martin is second and bass trombonist of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in April 2009.
As a member of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, RCO brass, the International Trombone Ensemble, the New Trombone Collective (until 2010) and numerous other chamber music groups, he has performed in most of the major concert halls around the world. He is also coach of the low brass of the Orchestra of the Americas.
Martin appeared as teacher and soloist on festivals such as the International Trombone Festival, Korean Trombone Symposium, Festival do Campos Jordao Brazil, Costa Rica Trombone Festival, Thailand Trombone Festival, Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival, Sesc International Music Festival Pelotas Brazil, IPV Festival, Lätzsch Trombone Festival, Curso Trombon de Valga in Spain amongst others and taught masterclasses at major universities in USA, Europe, Australia and Asia.
Martin is professor for tenor and bass trombone at the Lucerne University of Arts and Music in Switzerland.
Follow him on social media.
Instagram: schippers.martin
Facebook: /martinschippers
YouTube: /martinschippers