English profile follows after Japanese
ヴィルトゥオーゾ・トロンボーン・アンサンブルは、韓国の有名オーケストラであるソウル市立交響楽団、京畿フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、仁川フィルハーモニック管弦楽団、水原市立交響楽団、富川フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、原州市立交響楽団などに所属する若手音楽家で構成されている。また、東亜音楽コンクール、釜山音楽コンクール、済州国際管楽器コンクールで最優秀賞を受賞するなど、メンバー全員がトロンボーンのソリストとしても活躍をしている。 トロンボーンアンサンブルとしては、KBS(韓国放送公社)のラジオ番組に始まり、定期的なコンサートがライブ放送されるとともに、トロンボーンカルテットとての録音のリリースも行った。 過去10年に渡り、韓国の芸術の殿堂などにおいて数多くのトロンボーン音楽を上演することでトロンボーンアンサンブルの韓国国内での基盤の拡大に貢献している。 2012年、2015年、2016年、2017年、2019年に彼らは芸術支援プロジェクトに選ばれ、ソウル特別市庁、ソウル文化財団、韓国文化芸術委員会の支援を受けた。また、企業の経営者や従業員への文化芸術事業として韓国メセナ協会にも選ばるのと同時に、市民への文化貢献活動も積極的に行っている。
Virtuoso Trombone Ensemble The Virutuoso Trombone Ensemble is composed of young musicians who work for famous orchestras in Korea currently, including the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, Gyeonggi Philharmonic Orchestra, Incheon Philharmonic Orchestra, Suwon Philharmonic Orchestra, Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra and Wonju Philharmonic Orchestra. Recognizing that the basic conditions of chamber music are tricky, the young ensemble has perfected the music and achieved a harmony of rhythm through careful and steady work. Their performances prove this fact. They won the top prize at the Dong-A Concours, Busan Concours and Jeju International Wind Competition, and all of the members are active as Trombone soloists. As a trombone ensemble, they invited KBS(Korean Broadcasting System) radio program, which is famous one in Korea, for the first time. Their regular concert was broadcast live, and they released their first record for trombone quartet. It is contributing to the expansion of the music base of the Trombone Ensemble by staging numerous trombone music at the Seoul Arts Center and others for the past decade or so, and will be the first Korean concert group to be invited to perform at the International Trombone Festival 2020. In 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2019, they was selected for the art support project and received support by Seoul metropolitan Government, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture and Arts Council Korea. They also selected by the Korea Messena Association to create a stage for corporate executives and employees to enjoy cultural arts. They work on positive lines as professional art organization with the public.
* Website http://www.virtuoso.co.kr * Youtube Channel 1 https://www.youtube.com/c/VirtuosoTrb * Youtube Channel 2(With Arirang TV) https://youtu.be/Uvv06j0cnvc * Message for Public Hello, We are Virtuoso Trombone Ensemble from R. of Korea. We are really honored to attend this Festival. Hope you like our music and feel free to enjoy our music! See you soon in there! * Program Will be [as of Aug. 16 e-mail] Max Bruch – Romance, Op.85 (Arr. for Trombone & Piano) Steven Verhelst – Gollumnas for 2 Bass Trombones & Piano Eric Ewazen – Fantasy & Double Fugue Ricardo Mollá – Fanfare for a birthday Ludwig van Beethoven – Egmont Overture Op. 84 Steven Verhelst – First Class – There is a possibility to change our program. If so, We will let you know. Members: The Virtuoso Trombone Ensemble Sol Kim from Incheon Philharmonic Orchestra Hongsoo Kyoung from Suwon Philharmonic Orchestra Seunghyun Shin from Incheon Philharmonic Orchestra Laehoon Jeong from Gyeonggi Philharmonic Orchestra Taehyun Cha from Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra Yudeok Choi from Suwon Philharmonic Orchestra Seungjun Hong from Wonju Philharmonic Orchestra Taehun Kim from Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Youngjin Seo (conductor) from Professor at Kookmin University, Korea