English profile follows after Japanese
新田 幹男(Mikio Nitta)
トロンボーンを呉 信一氏、Nitzan Harozに師事。
室内楽をDaniel Doyonに師事。
水戸室内管弦楽団、ジャパン ヴィルトゥオーゾ シンフォニーオーケストラに度々出演している。
2019年には、Alessi Seminer in Asiaにジョゼフ・アレッシのアシスタントインストラクターとして招聘された。
東京音楽大学 兼任准教授、大阪音楽大学 客員教授、
日本大学芸術学部 講師。
ハイブリッド トロンボーン四重奏団、Trio Diesel、
Brass code12、各メンバー。
Mikio Nitta
Mikio Nitta graduated from Osaka College of Music.
He studied the trombone with Shinichi Go and Nitzan Haroz and studied chamber music with Daniel Doyon.
After working at the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra and the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, he is currently the chief trombone player of the NHK Symphony Orchestra.
He often appears in the Mito Chamber Orchestra and Japan Virtuoso Symphony Orchestra.
In 2019, he was invited to Alessi Seminar in Asia as an assistant instructor for Joseph Alessi.
He has performed with many international players, including Radek Baborak and Sergei Nakariakov, and is active in solos and ensembles in Japan and overseas.
He is a guest associate professor of Tokyo College of Music, a visiting Professor of Osaka College of Music and a Lecturer at Nihon University College of Art. He is a member of Hybrid Trombone Quartet, Trio Diesel and Brass code12.