English profile follows after Japanese
2012年の1stアルバム『Departure』を皮切りに、Studio Opus55より、これまでに4枚のアルバムを発売。1stアルバム発売以降、スプリングツアーと題し全国各地で公演を行い、好評を博している。また、NHK-FM「リサイタル・ノヴァ」やNHK教育テレビ「ららら♪クラシック」などにも出演し、好評を博している。
In 2008, Twilight Trombone Quartet was formed by graduates and undergraduates who studied together at Tokyo University of the Arts. From the beginning, they have performed a wide variety of activities including performing at concerts, conducting trombone festivals or charity activities. Among them, the composition and arrangement work by members makes use of the charm of and the unique characteristics of the trombone, and it is the central repertoire of the quartet.
In addition, their performances such as music dramas with comical skits have also been well-received, and they are developing stages that are not bound by the trombone quartet.
With their first album “Departure” in 2012 as a start, they have released four albums so far from Studio Opus55. Since the release of the 1st album, it has performed around the country under the title “Spring Tour” and has been well received. They have also appeared on NHK-FM “Recital Nova” and on NHK Educational TV “LaLaLa♪ Classic”, which have been well received.