Takenori Yoshikawa 吉川武典

English bio follows after Japanese.



Takenori Yoshikawa is a trombonist of NHK Symphony Orchestra (Tokyo, Japan) starting from 1991. He is also a member of Trombone Quartet Z ipang, Tokyo Brass Symphony and N-crafts. His performance fields
are not only orchestra but also other fields: solo recitals, trombone concerto with orchestra, chamber music, contemporary music, and so on. He has released 13 CDs in many genres: solo(“Breeze in the hearts, bloom in the world”, “TROMBONETTA”), trombone quartet, brass ensemble, etc.. He is active trombone teacher across many regions in Japan, owning classes at Toho College of Music, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, and Takamatsu Daiichi High School Music Course.

Yoshikawa joined New Japan Philharmonic when he was a student at Tokyo University of the Arts. He won the first prize in trombone category and the grand prize of the 5th Japan wind and percussion competition
in 1988. He studied trombone playing in Berlin with a grant for upcoming artists by Japan Government from 1996 to 1997. He got the award for distinguished artists from Kagawa Prefecture, Japan in 2013. He studied playing trombone with Kiyoshi Ito and Wolfram Arndt.

Motoji Konishi 小西元司

English profile follows after Japanese


京都市交響楽団ベーストロンボーン奏者。大阪芸術大学演奏学科在学中よりフリーランスの演奏活動を始め、様々な音楽シーンで活躍の後、1999年日本(旧大阪)センチュリー交響楽団入団。同団を経て、2002年京都市交響楽団に入団。大阪音楽大学、相愛大学、京都市立芸術大学各講師の他、ハイブリッドトロンボーン四重奏団、ジャパンブラスコレクション各メンバー。 トロンボーンを磯貝富治男氏に師事。ベーストロンボーンを呉信一氏、伊藤清氏に師事。

Motoji Konishi

Bass trombone on Kyoto Symphony Orchestra.Konishi started freelance performance activities while studying at the Music performance department of Osaka University of Arts.After playing an active part in various music scenes, he joined the Japan (former Osaka) Century Symphony Orchestra in 1999. After working in the orchestra, he joined the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra in 2002. He is a lecturer at Osaka Collage of Music,  Souai University, Kyoto City University of Arts and also a member of Hybrid Trombone Quartet, Japan Brass Collection. He studied the trombone under Fujio Isogai, and the bass trombone under Shinichi Go and Kiyoshi Ito.

Martin Schippers マーティン・スキッパーズ

English bio follows after Japanese.



ロイヤル・コンセルトヘボウ管弦楽団、RCOブラス、インターナショナルトロンボーンアンサンブル、ニュートロンボーンコレクティブ(2010年まで)、他多くの室内楽団のメンバーとして世界各地で公演している。またthe Orchestra of the Americas(アメリカ大陸管弦楽団:シンフォニーオーケストラアカデミー)のローブラスセクションの指導にあたっている。

指導者及びソリストとして国際トロンボーンフェスティバル(ITF)、韓国トロンボーンシンポジウム、Festival do Campos Jordao Brazil、コスタリカトロンボーンフェスティバル、タイトロンボーンフェスティバル、済州ウインドアンサンブルフェスティバル、Sesc International Music Festival Pelotas Brazil、IPVフェスティバル、Lätzsch Trombone Festival、Curso Trombon de Valga in Spain 等に参加、米国、欧州、オーストラリア、アジアの主要な大学のマスタークラスで指導をしている。スイスのルツェルン芸術大学のテナー/バストロンボーンプロフェッサー。


Instagram: schippers.martin

Facebook: /martinschippers

YouTube: /martinschippers

Martin Schippers 

Martin began studying the tenor tuba with his grandfather at the age of seven. He switched to trombone at fifteen, taking lessons from his uncle, Hans Schippers. Two years later he began studying at the Rotterdam Conservatoire; during his second year he was appointed second trombonist with the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra. 

He assumed the post of principal trombonist with the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic in 2005. Martin is second and bass trombonist of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in April 2009. 

As a member of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, RCO brass, the International Trombone Ensemble, the New Trombone Collective (until 2010) and numerous other chamber music groups, he has performed in most of the major concert halls around the world. He is also coach of the low brass of the Orchestra of the Americas. 

Martin appeared as teacher and soloist on festivals such as the International Trombone Festival, Korean Trombone Symposium, Festival do Campos Jordao Brazil, Costa Rica Trombone Festival, Thailand Trombone Festival, Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival, Sesc International Music Festival Pelotas Brazil, IPV Festival, Lätzsch Trombone Festival, Curso Trombon de Valga in Spain amongst others and taught masterclasses at major universities in USA, Europe, Australia and Asia. 

Martin is professor for tenor and bass trombone at the Lucerne University of Arts and Music in Switzerland. 

Follow him on social media. 

Instagram: schippers.martin 

Facebook: /martinschippers 

YouTube: /martinschippers

Yu Tamaki 玉木優

English profile follows after Japanese

玉木 優 – トロンボーン


2018年、ソロ活動に専念するために独立。以来大陸間を行き来しながら独自の活動を続けている。現在はソロ演奏を軸にオーケストラ、室内楽、教育、執筆、プロデュースなど多岐に展開。プロアルテムジケ、米国S.E.シャイアーズ社、willie’s Custom Brass社公式アーティスト。ふくたまフェスティバル音楽監督(島根県)。現在デンマーク在住。イアン・バウスフィールド、ピーター・サリヴァン、呉信一、山下浩生の各氏に師事。


日本人金管楽器奏者として初、国際音楽コンクール世界連盟加盟の2つのコンクールと、国内最大の2つのコンクールにて入賞。第26回日本管打楽器コンクール審査員7名満場一致での第一位、第6回チェジュ国際金管楽器コンクール(韓国)第二位ほか受賞多数。ソリストとして、日本フィル、東京シティフィル、東京ニューシティ管、東京佼成ウインドなどと共演。これまでに、日本、アメリカ、スイス、デンマーク、韓国においてリサイタルを開催。2018年には1stソロアルバム”Love and Chaos”を、翌2019年には2ndアルバム”Colors for Trombone”、続いて1stシングル”Game from An;G;El”をリリース。トロンボーンデュオ『たましみず』(第22回青山音楽賞バロックザール賞受賞)、テナートロンボーン四重奏団『4 TenorBone JAPAN』、トロンボーンアンサンブル『スライドジャパン』メンバー。



Yu Tamaki Hoso – International Solo Trombonist

A Japanese Solo Trombonist active worldwide, Yu Tamaki expands his activities not only as a trombone soloist, but also orchestra and chamber musician, educator, author and producer. An official artist for Pro Arte Musicae of Tokyo, S.E.Shires Company of USA and willie’s Custom Brass of Yamanashi.

In January 2018, Yu has departed from his orchestra position in Denmark to concentrate on his soloist career. Ever since, he has been actively traveling between the continents for various events. His highlights of recent years include: solo recitals and masterclasses in Japan, South Korea and Denmark; trombone duo recitals with Ian Bousfield (soloist), Peter Sullivan (Pittsburgh Sym,), Colin Williams (NY Phil.), Brian Hecht (Atlanta Sym.); invitation to International Trombone Festival in USA for a solo recital, ensemble and lecture, creative collaborations with Keisuke Ogido (Ristorante Arte Simposio), Anna Irite (dancer), Yo Yumura (Sanada Co.) , Kenichi Aoyama (painter/videographer) and Ayano Jo (pianist); commissioning new works for solo trombone to the world renown composers such as: Samuel Adler, Yasuhide Ito, Miho Hazama, Geoffrey Gordon and Minako Seki, aiming for progressive expansion of musical language of solo trombone.

1980: Born in Ashiya, Japan

1999: Diploma, Hyogo Pref. Nishimomiya High School, Music Department

2002: Fellow participant, Pacific Music Festival, Principal Trb. under Charles Dutoit

2003: BA of Music, Kyoto City University of Arts, under Shin-ichi Go

2004: Moved to Chicago, the United States

2005-2007: Mississippi Symphony Orchestra. Adjunct Professor: Mississippi College

2007-2008: Assistant for Peter Sullivan at Duquesne University of Pittsburgh

2008-2009: Tokyo Opera Nomori Orchestra and Saito Kinen Orchestra (Dir. Seiji Ozawa)

2010-2012: Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra

2012-2013: Hochshule der Künste Bern in Switzerland to study with Ian Bousfield, under a full scholarship granted by the Ministry of Cultural Affair of Japan. Study completed with Auszeichnung (En: highest distinction)

2013-2018: Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester (South Denmark Philharmonic)

2018- : International Solo Trombonist

Prizewinner of following international competitions.

1st Place: 26th Japan Wind and Percussion Competition, the unanimous highest scores by all seven jurors

Diploma: 45th Markneukirchen International Competition

2nd Place: 6th Jeju International Brass Competition

2nd Place: 8th Tokyo Music Competition

As a soloist, Yu has had frequent appearances with Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra, Japan Philharmonic, Tokyo City Philharmonic, Tokyo New City Orchestra and others. Yu has given many solo recitals in Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Ibaraki, Shimane), USA, Switzerland, Denmark and South Korea. Also various Trombone Societies’ have invited him for their events, such as International Trombone Festival of USA, Japan Trombone Association, Kansai Trombone Association, Shonan Trombone Association and Okayama Trombone Association. First solo album “Love and Chaos” released in 2018. Second album “Colors for Trombone” and first single “Game from An;G;El” were released in 2019 and both are available on iTunes/Apple Music and other streaming services.

As an active educator, Yu has held lectures, clinics and master classes in all Japan’s major cities. Yu has had the rare opportunity to earn international education in Japan, United States and Europe. These experiences put him in a position to offer a unique perspective and broader opportunity to the next generation and future of Japan. Since 2014, he has been conducting workshops for young professionals. Fully sponsored by Tokyo metropolitan government in 2016, and by Pro Arte Musicae and Shinjuku ward office of Tokyo, held as the Ian Bousfield/Yu Tamaki Trombone Academy.

Yu has written monthly articles on “Band Journal”(Ongaku No Tomo Sha Co.), “Challenging to the World”(30 issues) in 2014-2016 and “One Point Lessons”(12 issues) in 2012-2013. Also he has been featured on interviews in the “Pipers” (Sugihara Shoten Co.) for their many issues.

As a chamber musician, Yu is a member of Trombone Duo “Tama-Shimizu”, “4 TenorBones Japan” trombone quartet, “Slide Japan” trombone ensemble.

Twilight Trombone Quartet トワイライト・トロンボーン・カルテット

English profile follows after Japanese


2012年の1stアルバム『Departure』を皮切りに、Studio Opus55より、これまでに4枚のアルバムを発売。1stアルバム発売以降、スプリングツアーと題し全国各地で公演を行い、好評を博している。また、NHK-FM「リサイタル・ノヴァ」やNHK教育テレビ「ららら♪クラシック」などにも出演し、好評を博している。

In 2008, Twilight Trombone Quartet was formed by graduates and undergraduates who studied together at Tokyo University of the Arts. From the beginning, they have performed a wide variety of activities including performing at concerts, conducting trombone festivals or charity activities. Among them, the composition and arrangement work by members makes use of the charm of and the unique characteristics of the trombone, and it is the central repertoire of the quartet.

In addition, their performances such as music dramas with comical skits have also been well-received, and they are developing stages that are not bound by the trombone quartet.

With their first album “Departure” in 2012 as a start, they have released four albums so far from Studio Opus55. Since the release of the 1st album, it has performed around the country under the title “Spring Tour” and has been well received. They have also appeared on NHK-FM “Recital Nova” and on NHK Educational TV “LaLaLa♪ Classic”, which have been well received.

Trio Sync. トリオシンク

English profile follows after Japanese








その後、当初より活動を共にしていたピアニスト城綾乃と共に「Trio Sync.」として、新たに活動を開始。








Trio Sync.

In February 2011, two bass trombone players, Hiroyuki Kurogane of the NHK Symphony Orchestra and Takumi Shinozaki of the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra held a local concert with the intention of “one time only” because  both were from Iwaki city, Fukushima Prefecture.

However, the Great East Japan Earthquake struck his hometown in March of the following month.

This trio, which was only once, started several charity concerts the following month for the hometown.

In addition, their charity CD made an unusual smash hit despite its unique composition.

After that, they started a new activity as “Trio Sync.” with the pianist Ayano Jo, who had been active from the beginning.

They also actively teach young players and communicate the joy of music through their concerts in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, or every March concert  in hometown Iwaki and an event called “Iwaki Trombone Camp”

This is an unusual trio of two bass trombones and a piano, but their repertoire is wide, including commissions for new works and arrangements. And their three synchronized ensembles have a high reputation.